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Fortnite Brute changes coming in next update, Epic says

2 months agoid="article-body" class="row" section="article-body"> Epic will make a few changes to the Brute in update v10.10.

Epic Games Season 10 of Fortnite offered one big change when it went live on Aug. 1 -- the inclusion of a mech called Brute. Since then, players have been expressing their frustration over the powerful mech on social media, and ¡Huawei Mate te hará sonreír con 30 cargadores rápidos! developer Epic Games is going to make some changes to mech's overpowered rocket launcher. 

Epic will alter the Brute in the next update, according to a developer blog post Friday. The robot's rocket launcher will soon have a visible targeting laser and audio cues to let players know when they're in the mech's sights. It's not a big change, but the sudden barrage of rockets from a non-visible Brute was one of the big issues players had with the new addition to the game.

Epic says it also fixed mobility bugs causing an exploit with the Brute's boost that some players use. The changes will come in update v10.10, Samsung galaxy s9 antutu benchmark which will likely release next week.

Players responded to Epic's tweet about the changes in a less than positive manner. 

Great, we get to know we're dead a few seconds earlier than before, just what I wanted

— @Ta5tyy2 is dad (@IPixelzzz) August 9, 2019 This has to be a joke.....


— Leo (@LeoJayT) August 9, 2019 Epic community manager Nathan Mooney posted on the Fortnite subreddit Tuesday that the company was "evaluating" the mech gameplay. 

4 months ago"Right now, we're evaluating Brute gameplay, as well as observing how it performs across all modes and skill levels," he said. "We are also working to fix movement-related bugs with the Brute to address exploits."

Fortnite players created Reddit threads and tweets about the Brute, saying it's far too powerful to be used in the game. A video from Sunday shows Fortnite pro Turner "Tfue" Tenney telling his Twitch viewers how much he hates the mech after one caused his game to crash. Even Fortnite World Cup solos champ Kyle "Bugha" Giersdorf found himself losing a match to a player in the Brute.

Originally published on Aug. 6.
Update, galaxy a10 antutu score Aug. 9: one plus 6 antutu score Adds details of changes from Epic. 

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